about me

Hi, I’m Jack. And you might be wondering why I’ve started a blog…

This blog will start mainly as a platform to document my photographic thoughts as they occur. If you are already following me on Instagram (@analogjxxk) you will know that my content is usually uploaded with a series title, accompanied by which camera and film stock I used. I like the way my feed looks, and don’t want to change that.

But sometimes I would like to go behind the scenes and write about the process of making the image. This will also act as a place for me to share my feelings at that particular moment in time, what first drew me to the scene and what made me want to shoot it.

Perhaps this blog can be summed up best as a recollection of a moment captured on film.

I am by no means a professional. I wouldn’t even consider myself a fully fledged hobby photographer! I buy cheap film, I shoot it on an cheap cameras, and I get it developed on the high street. If you’re looking for someone to compare the exposure latitudes of film stocks you’ve come to the wrong place.

But if you want to read about a man pointing different cameras at interesting things and clicking the shutter, then welcome.